

英 [ɔ:də'lɪz]
美 [ɔdə'lɪz]


  • n.

    后勤兵( orderly的名词复数 );

  • 英英释义


    • n.
      • a soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer

        "the orderly laid out the general's uniform"

      • a male hospital attendant who has general duties that do not involve the medical treatment of patients

        同义词:hospital attendant

    • adj.
      • devoid of violence or disruption

        "an orderly crowd confronted the president"

      • according to custom or rule or natural law


      • not haphazard

        "a series of orderly actions at regular hours"


      • marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts


      • marked by or adhering to method or system

        "a clean orderly man"; "an orderly mind"; "an orderly desk"

      • marked by system or regularity or discipline

        "an orderly universe"




    1. I had hoped to be able to take my seat in all this noise without being seen, but that morning the room was quiet and orderly.
    2. The children lined up in an orderly fashion.


    Orderlies as interpreters in Papua New Guinea.
    Of orderlies and men: hospital porters achieving wellness at work – By Nigel Rapport
    Effects of a participatory ergonomics team among hospital orderlies
    [Comment on the training of nurses and orderlies for anesthesia duty and intensive care]
    Structural analysis of occupational accidents affecting orderlies in a geriatric hospital.
    Prediction of job success for hospital aides and orderlies from MMPI scores and personal history data
    NIOSH research initiatives to prevent back injuries to nursing assistants, aides, and orderlies in nursing homes
    Improving immunization coverage, a comparison between traditional MCH teams and MCH teams plus aid post orderlies
    The Impact of an Ergonomics Intervention on Psychosocial Factors and Musculoskeletal Symptoms among Thai Hospital Orderlies:
    Varredores de rua: acidentes de trabalho ocorridos na cidade de Ribeiräo Preto, Estado de Säo Paulo, Brasil / Street orderlies: oc...